Stainless steel mod medieval 2 mortar
Stainless steel mod medieval 2 mortar

Once you open it just C/P the following lines in the ancillaries list in that file:ĮffectsDescription heir_crown_effects_desc Open these files on your game folder and apply the following changes.įirst you need locate and open " export_descr_ancillaries.txt"file (default path should be Medieval II Total War\mods\SS6.3\data). "export_descr_ancillaries.txt and export_ancillaries.txt". There are two files that need to be edited. Basicly you can select who will be your Next Heir, and then the next one and the next one! So no longer you'll have see your crown goes to a distant relative or an adopted son instead of your Royal family members. You can't change the current Heir, but you can select who is going be the Next one. When you start a new campaing it gives your Faction Heir an Ancillary (Orb) which you can transfer to other family members, anyone you want to be your Next Heir, when your current Faction Leader dies. Your Crown will always go to Father to Son (Or anyone else you see fit for your throne).


To sum up: This mod ensures your Royal Bloodline Succession continues as it should. I adapted an (orb) ancillary made by Sensei Kiisu to SS though It's not exactly same like his work the result is similar. To read the full discussion please proceed to this link (And thanks to everyone who helped me in that thread).

stainless steel mod medieval 2 mortar stainless steel mod medieval 2 mortar

Firstly this is actually started elsewhere but will continue from here, since it's working I thought I could start a new topic.

Stainless steel mod medieval 2 mortar